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Photos from H.A.P.A. meetings in APA & HPA
The 19th HAPA Annual Meeting in New York, NY, USA
The 26th HPA Meeting in Kos, Greece

Minutes of the HAPA Nineteenth Annual Meeting
Minutes of the HAPA 19th Annual Meeting 2018
5/08/2018 New York City, New York
NOTE: The HAPA executive committee approved the draft of the 2017 18th HAPA Annual Meeting Minutes. The Minutes of HAPA 2018 will be posted on the HAPA website after they are approved at the 20th HAPA Annual Meeting in May 2019.
Members Present:
Drs. George Petrides, Philip Candilis, Maria Lymberis, Nick Togias, Georgios Karampoutakis, Apostolos Tsiamis, Georgios Pagkalos, Anna Polyniki and HAPA’s presenter Professor Pavlos Kymissis.
Members Absent:
Drs Papas, Matthews-Ferrari, Christodoulou, Vidalis, Papadimitriou, Stratas, Fouras, Zeris, Plesons, Armenakis, Duriez, Papastrat Silverman, Giakoumatos, Cassimatis, Alexopoulos,
HAPA President Dr. Candilis called the meeting to order at 6:15PM.
HAPA Annual Meeting Minutes
The minutes of both the 17th and the 18th HAPA Annual Meetings were distributed, reviewed and approved as written, with minor corrections. The final corrected Minutes will be entered on the HAPA Website. This draft of the 19th HAPA Meeting will be reviewed by the Executive Committee, will be voted at the 2019 Annual meeting and also posted on the website.
President’s Report:
Dr. Candilis welcomed all and noted that HAPA members of the Executive Committee Drs. Katina Ferrari Mathews and Arthur Papas regret that they are unable to join us today.
He welcomed the psychiatrists from Greece & Cyprus to our HAPA meeting: Drs Georgios Karampoutakis, Georgios Pagkalos, Anna Polyniki, Apostolos Tsiamis.
He also welcomed the new HAPA members: Drs. Apostolos Tambakis and Emanuel Voyiaziakis and the returning HAPA members Drs. Nick Togias, Stella Lymberis and Dimitra Hrisikos.
He noted that his term of office as HAPA President HAPA is especially focused on the Refugee Crisis and Greece’s response. At the 2017 HAPA meeting, Dr. Candilis presented his work in Greece. His work is on going and currently he is exploring possibilities of further consultations in Greece with the Greek Ambassador to the US and the First Secretary US General Xenakis.
Dr Candilis work in Greece lead to a discussion of a possible collaboration in forensic psychiatry on a HAPA/HPA project in Greece.
ACTION: There was agreement that Drs. Candilis, Karampoutakis and Tsiamis will draft a proposal for such project involving psychiatric patients in the Greek Justice system. The project and the proposal will be discussed by Skype at the next HAPA Executive Committee meeting. This collaboration between HAPA & HPA members on mental health needs in Greece is a major step for HAPA and it is made possible thru the leadership of HAPA President Dr. Candilis.
HAPA Founder’s Report
Dr. Lymberis presented a short history of HAPA. She noted that since the founding of HAPA, as the Founder, she has been functioning as the Executive Director with NO paid staff. The HAPA Executive Committee has continued to meet by conference calls on regular intervals. She emphasized that HAPA has survived for 20 years because of devotion to the mission of HAPA and the support of HAPA Officers and HAPA Board members. The focus and priorities of the Executive Committee continue to be: the HAPA Annual meeting, increasing HAPA membership, resolving the HAPA incorporation, and especially promoting HAPA’s links with the Hellenic Psychiatric Association, (HPA) and other medical, psychiatric and mental health professional groups and individual psychiatrists in US, Greece and in the Diaspora.
Dr. Lymberis reported on her work with Dr. Papas to incorporate HAPA in Massachusetts. The Boston attorney Alan B. Almeida, J.D. LLM of
Connor & Hilliard was consulted. Having helped Dr. Papas in the past incorporate the HAPA of Boston, attorney Almeida now recommended to the Boards of both organizations the following steps to “convert” the existing HAPA of Boston into HAPA:
…In order to ‘convert” the existing non-profit Corporation, (i.e. The Hellenic American Psychiatric Association of Boston, Inc.) into the Hellenic American Psychiatric Association, Inc., all that is required is to change the name of the Corporation by a filing with the Massachusetts Secretary of State’s Office where the entity is incorporated. This name change will not alter the Corporation non-profit, tax-exempt charitable status. The Members, Officers and Directors of the new entity can also be changed at the same time with the same filing with the Secretary of State’s Office. In order to authorize these changes and the filing with the Secretary of state’s office, the , requires a vote by the current Sole Member and Director of Corporation. I have prepared such a vote which is attached hereto. After the name and officer change, the new entity will be required to file an Annual Report listing the current officers and directors with the Massachusetts Secretary of State’s Office and a Form 990 each year with the IRS. If the entity’s total annual revenues are less than $50,000.00 in any year, the entity can file a so-called “postcard Form 990 which is a very simple filing which you can likely handle yourself. The legal fee for doing all of the above (courtesy charge) would be $500.00. The cost to file the forms necessary to change the name, officers and directors is $ 100.00 . The yearly cost to file the Annual Report is $15.00.. There is no fee to file the Form 990”.
Dr. Lymberis noted that HAPA of Boston’s Board had already voted and approved this recommendation now it has to be approved by HAPA at this meeting. She moved a motion for approval.
MOTION: to approve Mr. Almeida’s recommendation was unanimous.
Implementation by the HAPA Treasurer, with the assistance of the Executive Committee, will be done as soon as possible.
HAPA Treasurer’s & Membership Reports
HAPA Treasurer, Dr. Mathews-Ferrari, provided a report: HAPA continues to have NO deficit and the HAPA Bank account at WFB has a balance of $1,200.00 (before the dues that will be collected at this May 2018 meeting).
HAPA Membership Committee Chair, Dr. Papas was not able to provide a report. As always he is requesting that all HAPA members work to recruit HAPA members.
HAPA Nominating Committee
HAPA Officers for term 2017-2020: In 2017 due to time restraints, there was approval that the nominations/elections for HAPA Officers for term 2017-2020 be deferred to this meeting and the terms of office were extended. Dr. Candilis as the Chair of the HAPA Nominating Committee noted that there was no set slate and that nominations were now open.
Dr. Lymberis noted that in the past HPA members were elected and served as HAPA Board officers. However, there has never been a HAPA President Elect from Greece. She added that now with efficient and affordable, free, global communications this is a real option. Following a brief discussion the following were unanimously elected:
HAPA President Elect: George Karampoutakis, MD
HAPA Secretary: Georgios Pagkalos, MD
HAPA Treasurer: Nick Togios, MD
HAPA Counselor: Apostolos Tsiamis, MD
Congratulations to ALL.
Dr. Lymberis noted that his election is a major/new step forward for HAPA: “For me it is the fulfillment of my vision for HAPA. Finally, I see that the time for me to step down from the responsibility of running HAPA is near & I welcome it.”
Reports from Greece:
The following is Professor Christodoulou’s email dated 4/30/18
Dear Maria and Friends
Thank you for the communication.
The Hellenic Psychiatric Association is organizing its annual Panhellenic Congress at the Hippocratic island of Kos on 17-20 May. One of the invited speakers is Prof. Mohammed Abou-Saleh, Professor of Psychiatry at St. George’s Hospital in London who is of Syrian origin and has published with me on issues of refugees in British Journal of Psychiatry International.
I am glad that Dr Pagkalos is running for a position in the board. I think someone from the “mainland” should participate. At some stage all you people who live in USA must decide to take part in a Panhellenic congress and provide the opportunity to Greek colleagues to meet you and establish contact. For us in Greece it is becoming increasingly difficult to travel abroad.
I am glad that Gabriel Ivbijaro has become the International Caucus leader. Gabriel has succeeded me in the Presidency of the World Federation for Mental Health and although he faced great difficulties due to chronic problems of malfunction in this organization he managed well.
Best regards to all
George Christodoulou
My email to Dr. Vidalis requesting his report was returned. I will continue to try to contact him.
Scientific Program
This was a very special and stimulating presentation by Professor Paul Kymissis, MD, DFAPA, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, New York Medical College, Former Dean, Founding Chairman & Professor of Psychiatry, St George’s University of London at the University of Nicosia Medical Programme. His talk will also be available on the HAPA website:
“Recent developments in Medical Education in Cyprus: The University of Nicosia Experience”
Professor Kymissis’s presentation covered some of the developments in Cyprus after the Trauma of the Turkish Invasion. He detailed the establishments of a number of Academic Programs by the Government and by Private Groups. He detailed and focused on the collaborative effort between the St George’s University of London and the University of Nicosia in establishing the now very successful Medical School. This program is now on the 6th year. It has about 700 students from about 40 countries.
His presentation also covered the principles of the academic program, the Clinical experience of the Students, the impact the Medical School has on the general Medical Society and the challenges, problems of the Program.
During the discussion that followed Professor Kymissis’s presentation, Dr. Anna Polyniki,MD Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Nicosia Medical School, provided further details about the functioning of the Nicosia program. Her remarks added significantly to the presentation and to the lively discussion that followed.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:15PM with members going to Avra Restaurant for a delicious dinner.
HAPA Founder’s Reflections
19th HAPA Annual meeting
As HAPA Founder I feel compelled to share my reflections about the just completed highly successful and historic 19th Annual HAPA meeting.
First, WELCOME to ALL who joined us. Specifically, our returning HAPA member Dr. Hrisikos, new members of HAPA from the USA Drs. Tambakis and Voyiaziakis and especially those from our homeland of Greece and Cyprus: Drs Karampoutakis, Pagkalos Tsiamis and Polykini. Your presence at HAPA’s 19th Annual meeting in NYC is a confirmation of the VALUE of HAPA. By joining to work with us the vision of HAPA’s growth thru collaboration with HPA can become a reality.
This collaboration is central to the very existence and future growth of HAPA. It is the possibilities of this vision that has guided me to both found HAPA and to sustain it since 1999 by functioning as its Executive Director. HAPA is here because of the devoted work of the officers of HAPA during all these years. Working for HAPA is a labor of LOVE for all of us and I am delighted to have you all with us.
I also wish to welcome our new HAPA members: US physician retired surgeon Dr. Apostolos Tambakis who came to see what we psychiatrists are doing. I trust that he found our meeting interesting and look forward to your participation. I am also welcoming as a new member Dr. Emanuel Voyiaziakis who is lucky to be working with our HAPA Past President George Petrides who invited him to our meeting. I am thankful to Dr. Petrides for his unwavering support to me personally and to HAPA. He has been mentoring and bringing into HAPA many young Greek and US psychiatrists. Dr. Petrides also arranged for the dinner that followed our meeting at AVRA, a very special Greek restaurant.
Before closing, a few words about the history of HAPA-HPA relationship: HAPA’s first contact with HPA has been thru Professor George Christodoulou who is also one of the founders of HAPA. He is the Athens HAPA link while Professor Athanasios Vidalis has been HAPA’s link with Thessaloniki. In the early years many Greek colleagues came from Greece for the APA meetings funded by pharma companies. However, very few came to the HAPA Annual meetings as I was not successful in my publicity efforts for our HAPA meetings. During the early years, HAPA did participate at the HPA Congress twice by offering HAPA scientific sessions that were very well attended and HPA members were interested in HAPA. However, our good start abruptly ended with the US and world wide economic depression that seriously impacted psychiatrists both in the US and Greece. Recruiting and travel became even more difficult. Dr. Yannis Zervas was the only one who was able to attend and was a presenter at an Annual HAPA meeting. He was elected, served and contributed as a HAPA officer.
Over the last 10 plus years there were occasional dark thoughts in my mind that our efforts to keep HAPA going may reach the same DEAD END as those of the Philadelphia Psychiatrists who, years before I started HAPA in 1999, had started a similar effort but gave up. Yet, knowing that HAPA is needed and with the support of HAPA officers and HAPA Board members we just persevered. Clearly, in our global world HAPA’s collaboration with HPA is a must. Finally, now with the election of our HAPA/HPA members and the years of perseverance of all of us in HAPA, the vision of collaboration can become a reality.
At this 19th Annual HAPA’s featuring of the Nicosia Medical School in Cyprus is very timely. HAPA is honored to have the FOUNDER of this school present his pioneering work at our New York meeting. A special Thanks goes to past HAPA President Dr. Petrides as he made this highly inspirational meeting possible by inviting his fellow Cypriotes Professor Kymissis and Dr. Polyniki. Professor Kymissis’s presentation detailed the amazing results of his efforts in founding the Nicosia medical school. This school is now known for EXCELLENCE in training the physicians of tomorrow. With students coming to the school from all over the world, entrance is highly competitive. This is the fourth medical school in the island of Cyprus. It a prestigious school and part of the famed St George’s Medical School of England. Professor Kymissis work’s is a living example of the enduring value of the HELLENIC HERITAGE with its emphasis on the pursuit of excellence emphasizing the uniqueness of each individual human being and the need for each to know oneself and work for knowledge with “ARETI”.
The HAPA election of Dr Karampoutakis as the first HAPA President Elect from Greece with both Dr. Pagkalos as HAPA Secretary, Dr, Tsiamis as HAPA Counselor also from Greece is a further demonstration of HAPA’s commitment to be the link for collaboration between HAPA & APA. The fact that HAPA Treasurer Elect, Dr. Togias, is the only HAPA officer from the US in this election cycle, is both a major step for HAPA and a challenge for HAPA & HPA. Congrats to ALL.
See you in my home state of sunny California at the May 2019 APA/HAPA annual meetings.
Respectfully Submitted
Maria T. Lymberis, MD
HAPA Founder & Past President

Minutes of the HAPA Eighteenth Annual Meeting
Minutes of the HAPA 18th Annual Meeting 2017
5/17/17 San Diego
NOTE: This draft of the 2017 17th HAPA Annual Meeting Minutes was approved by the HAPA executive committee. The Minutes will be posted on the HAPA website after they are ratified at the 18th HAPA Annual Meeting in May 2018.
Members Present:
Drs. Arthur Papas, Katina Ferrari, Philip Candilis, Socrates Pappas, Pavle Loksovic, Nick Mellos, Helen Gevas, Konstantina Mellos, Nick Togias, James Rigopoulos, Allen Dyer, Maria Lymberis.
Members Absent:
Drs. Christodoulou, Vidalis, Papadimitriou, Stratas, Zeris, Plesons, Armenakis, Duriez, Papastrat
Minutes of the 17th HAPA Annual Meeting in Atlanta Georgia were distributed, but item was postponed for discussion at the 2018 meeting.
The 2017 HAPA Annual meeting was abbreviated due to the speakers having to make presentations at the Council on Psychiatry and Law and the fact that the entire HAPA membership was invited and attended a special presentation by the APA Seniors special CME screening of the SCPS Documentary film: Art of Storytelling. The invitation came from the APA Seniors as Dr. Lymberis is one of the SCPS psychiatrists who is featured on this educational film. As a result this meeting was limited to the scientific presentation of HAPA President Dr. Candilis. The rest of the 2017 Agenda was deferred for the next Annual meeting in NYC on May 8th 2018.
President’s Report:
Dr. Candilis called the meeting to order at 6 pm. He welcomed new and past members, and introduced his colleague Allen Dyer, MD, PhD, who leads the George Washington University Medical School Global Mental Health Program. Dr. Candilis’s presentation of the work they both did in Greece followed:
Scientific Presentation:
Dr. Candilis’ presentation in pictures and slides detailed the plight of the refugees in the Greek camps. He presented data on conditions in the camps and the high stress that refugees and aid-workers are facing. Dr. Candilis and his partners are participating as psychiatrists on the invitation of one of the many philanthropic organizations that is working in Greece in this refugee crisis as well as Doctors Without Borders. This was the second of their annual trips to consult and teach resilience to exhausted aid-workers in Athens and Lesbos. They provided what is essentially psychiatric emergency consultation and assistance to the volunteers. The presentation ended with a picture of the Greek refugees of the 1920s who, like the current ones, were at that time in the same situation. This clearly conveyed the full meaning of the title of the presentation, “It‘s our turn now”! This was a timely presentation of major interest. As many members have relatives or parents who were refugees from the 1920s “Katastrophy,” this was a very emotional and heartfelt meeting.
Meeting was adjourned as members moved to attend the APA Seniors film screening.
See you all in May in NYC
Respectfully Submitted
Maria T Lymberis, MD
HAPA Founder and Immediate Past President

H.A.P.A. 19th Annual Meeting in New York City
New York City
Tuesday May 8th 2018
Time: 6:00PM- 8:00PM
Palace Room, NY Marriott Marquis Hotel
1535 Broadway, New York, NY 10036
This year HAPA features a very special presentation:
Developments in Medial Education in Cyprus:
The Experience of the University of Nicosia
Paul Kymissis, MD, DFAPA
Founding Chairman and Professor of Psychiatry St George’s University of London at University of Nicosia Medical Program
Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at New York Medical College
Attend both the meeting and the Dutch Treat Dinner at 8:30PM. YOU MUST pre-register to attend.
Please complete this form then send in your HAPA 2018 dues.
Member-in-Training $27.00 USD
General Membership $52.00 USD

You may also mail in your dues to HAPA Treasurer:
Katina Matthews-Ferrari, MD
19022 Midway Blvd
Port Charlotte FL 33948
Make your check payable to HAPA

2018 President’s Letter
As your HAPA President, it is my pleasure to represent HAPA at home and abroad. We in HAPA are working to bring attention to the refugee crisis and Greece’s response. The NGOs we worked with appreciated knowing that they were supported by an organization that took their work seriously and had sent a representative to work alongside them. Those with whom I spoke in the US and Canada shared their own narratives of emigration and the importance of having a community that was knowledgeable and supportive of their experience. Talking about the Greek Diaspora was a meaningful way for our own community to connect with people who were fleeing war, famine, and persecution.
Within HAPA itself, we continue to work on increasing membership by personal outreach and continuing our tradition of presentations at the APA’s annual meeting. The website continues to represent us on the Internet, and we are exploring ways to incorporate through our chapter in Boston.
I look forward to your continuing support of HAPA. HAPA needs you to continue our progress in the coming years. See you at our 19th HAPA Annual meeting in NYC at the New York Marriott Marquis hotel at PALACE room on the 6th floor.
Philip Candilis, MD
HAPA President